Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Celebration

Sedar/Passover Meal (Optional)

If you would like to serve a meal similar to what Jesus and his disciples ate on the night in the upper room it will include the following foods:

Lamb – The lamb was killed and the blood was put on the door posts so that the death angel would pass over their home.

Parsley or Kale – Symbolic of the hyssop which was dipped in the blood of the lamb.

Bitter Herbs – Such as lettuce, endive, chicory, horseradish. These are bitter to remind them of the bitterness of Egyptian bondage.

Mixed Nuts – Signifies the brick and mortar used in building the cities for the Egyptians.

Stick of Cinnamon – Represents the straw.

Unleavened bread – Reminds us that the Israelites had to hastily bake their bread on the night they escaped from Egypt. God instructed them to not put leaven in it so it would keep.

Bowl of Salt Water – Represents the tears which the Hebrews shed in Egypt while slaves, and for the waters of the Red Sea through which they escaped.

Grape Juice – Reminds of the goodness of God and the richness of divine table fellowship.

After all are seated, pass the food in silence. Ahead of time, ask the youngest person present to ask “Why is tonight different from other nights?” The appointed leader will answer, “This is the night that God led the Israelites out of Egypt.” Another could ask, “Why do we eat unleavened bread tonight?” The leader will answer, “Because of the urgency of being delivered from bondage. It also represents Jesus’ body.” Another could ask, “Why do we eat lamb tonight?” The leader will answer, “It represents Jesus, the Lamb of God, who came to offer salvation to all people.” Another question is, “Why do we eat bitter herbs tonight?” To which the leader will respond, “It represents the bitterness of the slavery to sin.” As the mixed nuts are served, the leader could say, “These mixed nuts represent the works of our days of slavery to sin.” When the salt water is passed, “This represents the tears of repentance, as well as the deliverance from sin.” And regarding the grape juice, “This cup represents the blessedness of our fellowship as well as the blood of Jesus.”

As these symbols are explained, the leader may ask those at the table to share spontaneously with the whole group. For example:

When you mention the bitter herbs, ask whether someone would like to share their experience of the bitterness of sins slavery and the sweetness of living in Christ.

When mentioning the unleavened bread, ask if someone would like to share some experience of Christian urgency.

When you talk about the mixed nuts, ask if someone would like to tell about the joy of the new work they are doing for Christ.

As you call attention to the cup, you might ask whether someone would like to share something about the blessing of Christian fellowship.

Footwashing (Optional)

Read John 13:2-17

Meanings: 1) Because our Lord is the source of our life, we are obedient to him. 2) To be in him by faith is to be part of the fellowship of divine servanthood. 3) As we walk the pilgrim way, we need to be refreshed. We need stopping places where we can be renewed and refreshed.

The leader can proceed to wash the feet of someone in the group, as an example of the whole procedure. Others can follow as they feel led.

Don’t rush. Do it by candle light.


Read Mark 14:22-25

Pray a prayer of thanksgiving over the bread, break bread, distribute, partake.

Pray a prayer of thanksgiving over the cup, partake

Offer opportunity for spontaneous testimonies and or prayers.

Notes About Meal Preparation:

Use leg of lamb or boneless leg of lamg. You should allow 1/3 pound per person. Trim all of the white fatty covering off the leg. Then cut 6-8 tiny slits in the lamb and insert a piece of fresh garlic. Salt the meat and open roast in a pan with a rack. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Put the lamb in the oven and lower the temperature immediately to 325 degrees and cook until tender. Allow 30 minutes per pound. During the last half hour of baking, bast the meat with a cup of strong coffee.

In order to save yourself some work on the day of the meal, you can cook the meat the day before the service. Let it cool completely, then it will slice more easily. Put the sliced meat in heavy duty aluminum foil, pour some of the meat juices over it and reheat in 350 degree oven. You can also make gravy from the rest of the juices so that people can put gravy over their meat when it is served.

For the bitter herbs, make a tossed salad using lettuce, endive, chicory, escarole, and horseradish. You have to be flexible with this dish since you can’t always find all of these greens. Include all that you can.  Make the salt water by mixing 1–2 tablespoons of salt into 2 cups water.